miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008


We agree completely with Macarena. We must take some advantages from oral communication in class, with the possibility of being corrected. We will get fluency and a better pronounciation.

See you, mates.

Eva and Marcos

martes, 28 de octubre de 2008


First of all, I think that the most important thing for me is to improve my pronunciation and fluency in English as well as my listening skills. I would like to know some cultural aspects and expressions too. I also hope to correct some grammatical mistakes in speaking and writing.
An epic war poem for Russell

Here comes The conqueror with his shield,
figthing the enemy with sharp arrows and spears,
he wins all the battles in foreign fields,
no warrior defeats him as nothing he fears.
Through valleys and mountains in the battle
warfare day and night to found his kingdom
he finally builds his deserved castle
full of happiness, effort and wisdom.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

An epic poem:" SWORDMAN"

A long time ago in a remote village in Britain, in the south east,
there was a brave and handsome man who could fight against any beast,
he was known as "Swordman", because any battle he was engaged in,
it was won, as he could achieve everything he believed in.
People thought that he was more than a courageous knight,
and many children were told stories about him at night.
Everyone admired and loved this man,
the one who was called "Swordman".
But one day something tragic happened to him,
a dragon and its army tried to end with him.
Dragons wanted to be the most powerful in the island,
they had just devastated the North of Ireland.
They destroyed everything with fire,
as they flew higher and higher.
"Swordman" and his knights were defeated,
however as a heroe he will be always treated.

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

para Natalia

Quq haya suerte

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008


As the ships and the vessels
were sailing on the sea
we could see Russell
walking on the beach.

The weather was nice
on our way to Brussels
because there was no ice
that delighted Russell.

What a brave fellow
with such strong muscles
everyone would be jealous
of our friend Russell.
You are like a star in the sky
you light my life
but when stars go
I feel alone
Every night in my dreams I miss you
I remember every moment we were toghether
I go mad because I cant feel you
and I know that this wont last any longer

crazy love

Today ,in the morning ...
Today in the afternoon...
Today at night...
I can t avoid
Thinking about you
I cant sleep
I can t eat anymore
Your black eyes and your dark hair
Make me crazy every Wednesday.
Russel who is our lovely teacher,
make us smile with his long speeches.

He speaks so loud for us to hear,
so that we all keep all the time listening to him.


Lale & Carolina

For Russel

Hello Russel!!

Yesterday, today and tomorrow you are in my mind.
It doesn't matter why and how.
I can't avoid it.

Take care and try to remember this letter.
Try to remember my shy voice, also.

See yoy.Eva.

A love poem to Russell

The sun was shining near the river,
and the light of your eyes made me shiver,
suddenly I saw a frog,
it was jumping into a log,
I remembered your eyes full of passion
to see that the frog was in fashion.

a love poem to Russel

From your balcony to mine
there is a blueish lace
that says " friends forever"

I feel butterflies in my tummy
when I see you as my nanny
but I feel frogs in my little heart
when I see you with your hat.

once upon a time there was a high sky
that makes me feel as a cry
when I see you in the last nigh
It makes me feel me so surprise!


As the ships and the vessels
were sailing on the sea
we could see Russell
walking on the beach.

The weather was nice
on our way to Brussels
because there was no ice
that delighted Russell.

What a brave fellow
with such strong muscles
everyone would be jealous
of our friend Russell.

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Os recuerdo que es recomendable, justo y hasta necesario que publiquemos en el Blog, con el objetivo de afianzarnos en el uso de las Tics que, como sabéis,también es uno de los objetivos del curso.
Tanto Russell como Ayaz comenzarán a pedir tareas a través del blog.
Para publicar en el blog se siguen estos pasos:
1º.- Ve a tu correo gmail y allí tendrás una invitación para participar.
2º.- Haz click en el enlace que te conducirá al blog.
3.- Una vez en el blog, haz click en el ACCEDER (arriba a la derecha)
4º.- Te piden el nombre y contraseña (pues mételos)
5º.- Ya estás dentro del blog; haz click en CREACIÓN DE ENTRADAS
6º.- Ponle un título y escribe.
7º.- Cuando termines, haz click en PUBLICAR.
8º.- Haz click en VER BLOG
9º.- ¿Estás conforme con lo que has escrito?
Haz click en SALIR (arriba a la derecha)
10º.- ¿No estás conforme con lo que has escrito?
Haz click en EDITAR ENTRADAS (Borra, reescribe etc; vuelve al
paso 6º)

Si no ha quedado claro, dedicaremos alguna minipráctica para ACLARAR algunos conceptos. RECUERDA: el uso y la utilización del blog es una herramienta muy poderosa y motivadora para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de las lenguas.

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008


Sábado 22 de noviembre de 2008
Hora de comienzo de las actividades: 9:30 del día 22
Hora de finalización de las actividades: 9:30 del día 23
Lugar: Jerez de los Caballeros

hello, hello

We are just trying how to contribute to our blog, we are in the break...just remembering how funny Russel's octopus joke was.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008

Hi, everybody! Just to ask you to spend a few minutes to think about the Spanish educational system before we talk about it in class. As usual, we´ll use group work to create a kind of project about education in Spain (or abroad, if you like).
On the subject of group work, I like seeing you work in groups because it gives you more opportunities to express yourselves in English and learn a few new words or expressions from your class-mates.So, keep up the good work ! See ya ! Ayaz.
P.S. Any written contributions will be accepted (hint, hint !!!!).